martes, 9 de junio de 2009



  • A guitarist plays the guitar.

  • A cellist plays the cello.

  • A drumer plays the drums.

  • A keyboard player plays the keyboard.

  • A pianist plays the piano.

  • A saxophonist plays the saxophone.

  • A trumpeter plays the trumpet.

  • A violinist plays the violin.

Word bank

  1. Son: fill.

  2. Daughter: filla.

  3. Twin brother: bessons.

  4. Toe: dit del peu.

  5. Chairs: cadira.

  6. Lend: deixar.

  7. Forget: oblidar.

  8. Facts: fets.

  9. Music in my sould: la musica esta a la meva alma.

  10. Hand clapping: aplaudim de mans.

  11. Wiles: roda.

  12. Delivers: entregar.

  13. Bald: calb.

  14. Denim: texá.

  15. Striped: rallas.

  16. Patterned: estampades.

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